Who Are Your Dream Dinner Guests?

Living. How many of you have been asked that question? 

Let’s keep the party to 5. Limited seating.

Recently, Ann Sheybani shared with me Anna Bey’s YouTube video about the 5 female friends you need to be successful as a woman. It made me think, who are the 5 people, or 5 types of people, that you need to be a successful founder and CEO?

Here goes…

#1 The Super Connector

Top of my list. This is someone who knows everybody and everything about everyone. Maybe not everything but enough, a mix of professional and personal interests, goals, and visions. This is not about gossip and knowing all the dirt, to be clear.

Connectors enjoy making thoughtful connections, so help them out. Make sure they understand your business and brand, your vision, and your goals. The more they know about you and your business the higher the quality of the introductions. It’s on you to stay on their radar.  

Jessica Wolf is 100% this person. I had the pleasure of meeting her when she was the Global Director of Community for Summit. She is a natural connector. (She is also totally in the know. Anna Bey talks about the social butterfly, that’s not quite it, but someone who knows where to be and be seen to meet the right people.)  

#2 The Cheerleader

Your booster shot. This is someone who lifts you up when you are down (and let’s be honest building a business is a rollercoaster and a grind). They listen to the sh$t. They cheer you on and inspire you to keep going. They believe in you.  

Often these are family members, significant others, or close friends. You have a personal relationship. The cheerleader has a vested, or an emotional interest, in your success. They are not an objective voice, but you need them (or a whole squad) in your corner to be successful.

#3 The Advisor

This is someone you can call or text anytime you have a big decision to make, for example, a senior hire, a strategic shift, or raising venture capital. The person you go to when you are facing a challenging and complex problem. Being a founder is about operating in the unknown so you need someone who can help you navigate.

Often this person is in the same industry or has run a similar business. They give you honest feedback and constructive criticism. They are realists. They challenge your assumptions, help you evaluate options and risk, and, given their experience, can offer alternative solutions or strategic counsel. They are your sounding board.

You can also think about this as your personal board of directors (bring out more chairs). This can even be a WhatsApp Group.  When it comes to your personal board of directors you can think more broadly – your industry, a similar business model, and other CEOs or Founders. This is the idea behind Chief, which I joined in 2019, focused on shared learning among women executive leaders, including peer-to-peer sessions with a curated cohort.

#4 The Role Model

Think who do I want to learn from? Who do I aspire to be like (with my own twist?) What can I learn from what this person as done well and the mistakes they have made or wrong turns? How did they turn them around? How do they live their life in a way that is congruent with their vision and values?

These are people that fascinate you. Ask yourself why for starters?

Often this person is outside your industry, but they can also be the trailblazers in your field.

For example, Cami Tellez, co-founder of Parade, the revolutionary underwear and bralette brand, surrounded herself with the OGs of DTC, including Neil Blumenthal, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Warby Parker, Steph Korey and Jen Rubio of Away, along with the founders of Bonobos, and Casper. Smart because Parade is at the forefront of the next wave of e-commerce.

# 5 The Information Source

This is someone who is very knowledgeable on a range of important issues. They love to collect data and information. They are on top of trends and current events. 

They can be thought leaders in a particular area of importance to your business. It is someone you can ask lots of questions of and pick their brain. Someone who can filter out the important facts and figures from all the noise.  

Who are you inviting to dinner? Who would you add to this list?

Not sure who to put on that list? Or how to find the right people? Set-up a 30 min, no obligation, strategy call.


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